Linear Mica

Wooden doors manufactures in South India
C.T. Trading.Co

Linear Mica

Every Door's favorite companion, which enhances its beauty and versatility

To understand in detail about Linear Mica, we need to first understand the qualities and products of Mica.

“The Magic Mineral a.k.a Mica has excellent qualities that make it an ideal option for a variety of applications such as tabletop, dining table, doors, and walls”

Wooden doors manufactures in South India

Why Mica is called a “ Magic mineral”

We shall list the qualities that made Mica ascend the throne of durability and suitability for various applications.

  • Fire Retardant
  • Scratch Resistance
  • Incredible Heat Insulation

Products of Mica

Generally, there are multiple different products of Mica such as Mica blocks, Mica Scrap, Mica tapes, Mica Flakes, Mica powder, and Mica Sheets.

Linear Mica

Linear Mica is made up of Mica sheets, which are composed of parallel layers of Mica flakes.

Question pops:

Difference between Mica sheets and Mica flakes?

  • Mica sheets: They are thin, flat layers of Mica that are typically uniform in thickness.
  • Mica Flakes: They are small, irregularly shaped pieces of mica that vary in size.

Why Mica flakes are ranged in a parallel layer not perpendicular?

  • Improved insulation: This form of arrangement creates a barrier that enhances the material’s ability to resist the flow of heat or electricity perpendicular to sheets. This provides better insulation properties.
  • Mechanical strength: This arrangement increases mechanical strength as this alignment of mica flakes provides structural integrity to the sheet.
  • Uniformity: This form of arrangement offers uniformity in thickness and properties across the sheet.

Applications of Mica

  • Decorative wall covering
  • Furniture accent
  • Lightning Fixtures
  • Door inserts
  • Tablets/ countertops
  • Room dividers and screens.

Door inserts

Linear Mica sheets can be used as inserts in doors to add decorative elements while providing insulation properties.

Chopra Group- a perfect hub to purchase Linear Mica doors

Whether for residential or commercial use, Chopra stands out as your go-to destination for purchasing affordable and high-quality Linear Mica doors. Just go for it!

Our Products

LInear Mica Varities

Linear mica
Linear mica
Linear mica
Linear mica
Linear mica
Linear mica
Linear mica
Linear mica
Linear mica
Linear mica
Linear mica
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